It takes a shift in PERSPECTIVE to drive
 a high PERFORMANCE work culture.

World Class Leader & Innovator in Experiential Learning.

We utilize Metaphors to teach concepts around High Performing Cultures. This focus suspends ego and opens the mind to learn new possibilities and perspectives. After 20 years, we like to think we have the model down well, learn more about our programs or how we can help coach you to develop your own.

Winning Customers Through Teaming

See team culture from the perspective of your customer.

Do you think your customers can tell if your team culture is not functioning at its best? You bet they can. It can mean the difference between you winning the customer or losing them. This book takes you through the teachings found in of the world class experiential learning program, “The Pit Crew Challenge” and shares the 12 Challenges you must address for your team to perform at its highest level.

Breaking Down Silos. One Brick at a Time.

Helping to improve collaboration and workplace culture.

Creating Impactful Experiences

We create memorable events using metaphor and real life learning.

Workshops & Learnings that Inspire?

Whether it is in-class or on-line, we help to build strengths and skills to build better teams and cultures.

Listening & Leading.

We help consult on the challenges of workplace culture and creating experiences to drive learning outcomes.

Some Perspectives…

Silos of One

Silos of One

Sometimes you don't see it until you run right into it, like an old spider web in a dimly lit corner of someone else’s basement. It jolts your senses milliseconds before a nerve inducing ickyness traces the length of your spine. It was the middle of July a few years back, and our client's team members were excited for an outdoor teaming program....

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Are You A Bell Ringer?

Are You A Bell Ringer?

I've been outside walking lately. A lot. I could stand to loose a few, (well, maybe more than a few) and frankly I'm working on it, but this story is not about my exercise routine. I'll save you the grandstanding. I live one block away from a path system that runs almost entirely through our city in few different directions. London, Ontario is...

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Perspective & Performance Blog

Reflections and insights on Collaboration, Leadership, and Engagement.
Breaking down SILOS for High Performing Cultures.

What About Bob?

Thinking Differently.